Aiding and abetting the enemy
Aiding and abetting the enemy Liberty Counsel Action 2/21/15 The Obama administration has tipped off ISIS to a vital military strategy, in effect, aiding and abetting the enemy. Further, there are new revelations that the administration has authorized the admission of 70,000 new refugees, a majority from nations with a heavy Islamic influence! Placating Muslims at the expense of our national security is mystifying at best, and treasonous at worst. President Obama’s Summit on Countering Violent Extremism opened with a Muslim prayer by Imam Sheikh Sa’ad Musse Roble, president of the World Peace Organization. Then, in closing the summit, a senior military official announced strategies to retake the Iraqi city of Mosul from ISIL. The disclosure outlined the timeframe, the number of troops to be used, and which soldiers will participate. This open discussion by the President’s administration of a military strategy to be used against an enemy shocked military strategists and American lawmakers! CNSNews is reporting widespread concern over the administration’s battle plan leaks… “It’s very mystifying why this administration would reveal potential plans to retake Mosul,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly Thursday night. “If a private in Iraq had revealed this kind of planning inadvertently by leaving a plan in the chow hall or the gym, he might have faced a court-martial, but it’s now become a matter of policy this administration is going to announce war plans in advance.” Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney, a Vietnam Veteran, said he agrees with Sen. Cotton: “It’s absolutely bewildering. We are aiding and abetting the enemy,” he told Kelly. McInerney said it’s unlikely the Islamic terrorists will flee ahead of time, knowing what’s coming: “They’re going to stay, probably, and it’s still going to expose our forces to a certain risk because they’re (ISIS/ISIL) going to be doing a lot of defensive preparation — IEDs, different force positions, knowing an attack is coming. All those kind of things that are going to make our troops more vulnerable.” This is an egregious violation of the principles of military intelligence and security. When has a President ever pre-released to an enemy the anticipated troop movements, size, and timeframe of impending battle? Any other president would be facing impeachment procedures when Congress reconvenes on Monday. The Obama administration is opening our nation’s doors to stealth enemy fighters. The Obama administration announced it will quadruple the number of Syrian immigrants allowed into the U.S, while authorizing the admission of 70,000 refugees this fiscal year, many with Islamic roots and ideologies. House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mike McCaul (R-TX) called for an explanation telling Fox News’ Hannity… “This is a very dangerous and reckless policy, in my judgment… My job as chairman of Homeland Security is to protect the American people. I believe this will put Americans at risk. ISIS has telegraphed that they want to exploit the refugee process to gain entrance into the West and the United States. And we need to stop that.” We must stand against the infiltration of our nation and secure our borders before we are inundated with enemy fighters who will operate in our communities. Treason is defined as a crime against one’s sovereign or nation. The enemies of freedom are being emboldened and empowered by the Obama administration. Instead, they must be identified, confronted, and stopped!